Thursday, 24 November 2022

The Most Shocking Modern Technology Inventions The Majority Of People Still Aren't Aware Of

It is not surprising that modern technology has significantly revolutionized human lives. It has eased the burden of the slave but simultaneously made us its slave. Our reliance on modern equipment has increased excessively in the past decades. Through this piece of writing, we explore some of such appalling inventions of modern time.  

An intelligent umbrella which not only lets you know when it's raining but can also notify you if you've accidentally wandered off without it. This umbrella also can share data with other smart umbrellas for cloud sourcing data to ensure it's accurate.

A Skill-Building Robot- it is designed to help boost the social and emotional skills of 5- to 10-year-old. Such robot is for children to find a compassionate pal who encourages reading/ drawing and sends them on missions meant to spur engagement with adults, siblings, and peers, such as better communication and talking about feelings. 

Brain-Box AI- Built for the Climate, the AI system uses data like weather forecasts to predict a building’s thermal conditions, then adjusts its cooling/ heating output accordingly. The technology now controls temperatures for more than 40 million sq. ft. of building space. It can help in reduce carbon footprints by as much as 20% to 40%.

The P&P Waste Paper Processor is a device that recycles paper into pencils by rolling and compressing paper around a piece of pencil lead with a small amount of adhesive. That’s incredible …isn’t it?

Bluetooth Masks is an N95 mask wired for sound. The past year has compelled us all to cover our faces. Users can use its Bluetooth function to make calls, request a song from their music library, or issue commands to voice assistants like Alexa. 

These were a few interesting items that we found fascinating. The list of such inventions and upcoming technology seems endless. Some of these would have looked utterly alien in the past but now they seem completely practical. 

Alas, I would like to highlight on the need to incorporate environment friendly technology. We as humans should strive to create a world with more compassion, cooperation and commitment towards saving earth and humanity. 

Sunday, 20 November 2022

From Homeschooling to Successful Careers; An Overview With Relevant Examples

Growing technological advancement along with the global coronavirus pandemic have disrupted the functioning of schools. About a billion children all over the world are forced to do homeschooling, schools closing and reopening became the new normal in the past two years. After the second wave subsided children went back to schools with masks and shorter duration classes, but the rising omicron cases have locked them into homes once again. 

Though the concept of homeschooling isn't entirely new, there have been famous people who were homeschooled due to some reasons but these non-conventional students experienced extraordinary success in their lives.  For Example, we all know Thomas Edison the American inventor we all know him by his invention of the light bulb apart from that he also contributed to the modern age of electricity, phonograph, carbon button transmitter, and so on. At an early age, he developed hearing problems along with his imaginative and inquisitive wit he was considered unfit for school. Thus, his mother who was a teacher took him out and taught him at home. He took various jobs like selling newspapers, operating telegraphs, etc., and eventually experimenting in his home-based Edison laboratory gifted the world with remarkable innovations. 

Not only Edison but many famous presidents of the US like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, etc. were homeschooled. Famous writer Agatha Christie was homeschooled till the age of 11.

There are numerous examples in today's world too, those who are not ready for that rote, rigorous formal education system opts the home education where they can learn according to their own talents and capabilities and can focus on better on Co scholastic areas. As 21st century needs skills which I feel is lagging in students especially in the overall education system be it at the school level or higher education. Even if there is a growing trend that students preparing for competitive exams after 12th grade don't attend school classes and take coaching and tuitions. This is more or less homeschooling.  Thus, it's a wake-up call for our curriculum officials to make the formal education system more accommodative of 21st century needs. 

Thursday, 17 November 2022

E-Learning As A Revolutionizing Agent In The Current Educational System

The sudden Covid-19 outbreak poses a threat to humanity. The pandemic has disrupted the normal life of people globally. It has not only brought changes in economic, political activities but also a massive change can be seen in the education system. Due to the outbreak of the pandemic, governments all over the world have announced nationwide lockdown in their respective countries to control the spreading of the virus.

In such a situation our advanced technology has been solving the problem of teaching and the learning process. The recent development in Technology has made e-learning possible. What is E-learning? “E-learning also referred to as online learning, is the acquisition of knowledge which takes place through electronic technologies and media” (Abernathy, 2020).

A big thanks to the recent technology for it provided the students and teachers a new way of academic continuation through online-classes. E-learning has the potential to revolutionise the learning and teaching process. It has altered the communication process between academicians. There is no doubt that e-learning has brought tremendous alteration in the educational system but the consequences of such a learning can be viewed from two different perspective regarding its pros and cons and whether or not it has really revolutionized the education system.

FOR (in favor of e-learning)

E-learning has totally brought a break from the traditional way of academic learning. The entire world has now adapted to this new dimension of learning due to its advantageous changes. E-learning has provided for new opportunities to personalised-learnings. Students and teachers need not be physically present for classes or any academic meeting. The platforms like Google meet and Zoom are main tools where such academic interaction occurs.

The traditional mode of learning demands high costs input not just for universities but also for the students and teachers who have to travel from far off places to their respective colleges and universities. That is not the case in E-learning, where individuals can save time and money because of work from home and even universities put lesser input as compared to the physical mode of classroom learning. E-learning has also introduced us to an eco-friendly way of learning. Lack of traffic and lack of physical learning has resulted into less paper production as most of the materials are provided in a pdf or a word document format. On the other hand, students in physical mode of learning consumes high rate of paper and high transportation which contributed to more waste and increased air pollution.

Another change brought by E-learning is that it provided a better support for the differently abled students who could not give their 100% in the Traditional classroom learning. Such an opportunity is the result of three modes of learning styles under E-learning – Auditory learning, visual learning and kinesthetic learning.  

This system of education favored ‘Online Based Examination’ (OBE) which is much better than the physical mode of examination because students can sit for exams in the comfort of their own houses. E-learning enable re-scheduling the time of person’s task whereas in a physical mode of learning there is a strict routine and time schedule for classes as well as for meetings. The objective of providing a quality education (which is also the Sustainable Development 4th goal) during this pandemic is fulfilled by the E-learning process.

Various technicians, thinkers and advocates earlier vision a digital learning society which seems to be turning into reality today. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, people could hardly imagine a life where the entire world could be engaged into a lifestyle where digital learning would dominate and become a primary mode of learning. So, a massive change can be seen in our education system through the e-learning which truly is a revolutionizing agent in the current education system.



Opponents of the e-learning process claim that the changes resulting out of such a process has more of negative consequences and is therefore not suitable for the current educational system. Many oppose the statement that online learning provides quality education to all sections of population. E-learning process has resulted in inequality through digital provide. It hasn’t solved the problem of the poor in getting more educational accessibility. Instead, E-learning has resulted into widening the gap between the rich and the poor due to the limited access to internet. In such cases the only option left for the students is to use public Wifi.

There is also limited interaction in an online-teaching whereas in the physical mode of classroom learning students interact face to face with the teachers and are more active. This is the reason why many students speak out how the urge to study is lost. OBE mode is another reason why cheating among the students is increasing as there are no teachers to monitor and messaging platforms like WhatsApp became the main application for notes sharing.

Trying to bring the college/school life at home is not that easy when it comes to time management. Household chores and other home activities might be a hindrance or disturbances for students while studying and attending online classes.  Apart from this there are other negative sides of e-learning and is not suitable for providing quality education.

Also, E-learning cannot be called a revolutionizing agent because even though there are changes taking place in our education system, the changes are minor and cannot be called as a revolutionary change because even before the pandemic digital learning existed and even when the pandemic gets over it is more likely that many countries will go back to the traditional method of teaching and learning process. The changes are minor changes and hence temporary.

Keeping in view both the perspective, the pros and cons of e-learning are both equally important for bettering our education system. Even the society we live is highly dynamic and so is our education sector. Some may welcome the changes in the system while others may find it difficulty in accepting the changes.

However, looking at the current situation e-learning seems to be the only way of taking forward our academic learnings. The fact that e-learning has given our education a new dimension cannot be denied. Whether the changes are revolutionary changes or not are still a highly discussed topic in today’s time. The answer to which lies in the time when the world gets back to normalcy.



Abernathy, Donna J. 2020. “Online learning is not the next big thing; it is the now big thing”.

Boulton, H. “Managing e-learning: what are the real implications for schools?” The Electronic Journal of e-learning Volume 6 Issue 1, pp. 11-18,



Thursday, 3 November 2022

The Great Barrier & The Reef

According to the internet, we have lost over half the population of the Great Barrier Reef. It has suffered five mass bleaching events that are caused by rise in ocean temperatures. As the name suggests, there has been a great barrier hindering the survival of the reefs. What is the barrier? It is believed that the greatest barrier to its existence is climate change. However, a group of self-proclaimed scientists have done a joint research and concluded that human beings are to blame. The results showed that a variety of illnesses possessed by a number of human beings is the cause. However, we shall only discuss two common ones. The list of the diseases can be found in Research Window.

The first illness is Blamegame Syndrome; this is quite prevalent among policy makers, although ordinary citizens have been reported to show signs too. The major symptoms involve failure to provide solutions and blaming others for mistakes that have occurred. One study has showed that fossil fuel industries have been diagnosed with The Blamegame Syndrome, at this rate things are proving difficult as we know they do contribute a great share to its destruction.

The other most prevalent disease is the Renege Syndrome, the major symptom is failure to do something that you have promised. Studies have shown that decision makers are more likely to set good policies but very unlikely to follow them. With the rate at which decision makers are spitting sweet policies and promises at various conventions we are very much likely to get cavities. What’s even sad is that they have written humongous books only for it to be kept on shelves to accumulate dust.

It has been concluded that for as long as man continues to have those diseases, then we shall witness the death of the Great Barrier Reef and eventually our own extinction if we continue destroying life on planet.

Scientists have provided two major solutions to the illnesses one is taking drugs and the other is exile of the infected to Mars. On the bright side none of the illnesses is contagious and if you’re diagnosed it is recommended you take SRAS otherwise known as  Scientific Research Articles two times a day till the symptoms disappear or do some serious reflections (it is recommended to be taken simultaneously with SRAS) . To avoid generic ones, it is advised to shop them from your local library or university. 

Exile of the infected to Mars has caused a heated discussion and we recently received communications from The Undertaker, the President of Mars, he/she stated, “It’s rather preposterous that human being know more about Mars than they do their home. We wish to convey that we have forgone the invasion of the Earth as it’s almost a dead planet and of no benefit to us. We will appreciate if human stay out of our planet and learn to fix their problems.”

Researchers are hoping that man can learn a thing or two from the speech by The Undertaker. Researchers have also proved that Unicorns and Fairies exists on Mars but have failed to save the Great Barrier Reef.


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