Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Harsh Truths About Women that Men Learn Too Late

Take accountability for the part you play in a relationship as a man and make sure your woman owns up to her own accountability of the relationship too.

You will be used for, what you lead with. As you interact with a woman, she will assess your strengths and weaknesses and determine what you have to offer along the way. It is important to be fully aware and cognizant that of the fact that if you base a strong emphasis on showcasing your wealth and status, you will be seen as a source of material benefits with little or nothing more to offer, because you have set the stage for that. It is similar to a woman who dresses very provocatively, does things for attention and presents herself as easy. She sets the stage for men to view her as nothing more than what she is showing.

On the other hand, if you lead with a no non-sense authoritative demeanor or also someone who displays your true self, showing genuine intentions and authenticity, she will be more likely to be appreciative and value you, for who you are. The key is to be mindful what you present and how you present it. Understand that your actions and behavior will shape how you are perceived.

Nice guys usually do finish last. When a woman is done with her proverbial “bad boy phase” and the desire to be a wife and mother starts weighing heavy on her. She’ll want to come back and settle down with a good man to start her life with. A nice guy is usually the last man she settles down with.

If you are a man who is described as sweet, sensitive, soft or shy; the vast majority of girls won’t be attracted to you. For men being labeled with these characteristics are not desirable traits in  the eyes of the majority of women.

Societal norms and expectations portray these traits as weaker or less attractive in men, because nice guys have the stigma of being boring and predictable. They are a major turnoff for the majority of women because they want to be with someone who demands respect, doesn’t tolerate anything less than what he deserves and leads without intimidation.

Men who are overly focused on pleasing everyone else and constantly seeking approval, are also lacking in authenticity. Unfortunately, as long as passive labels are associated with nice guys persona; nice guys will always finish last.

Most women lack empathy for men. Most women find it extremely hard to be empathetic with the plight of men. This is partly due to differences in socialization cultural norm. Men are constantly being told to “man up” because emotions are weak and real men don’t cry. And it has also created an emotional desensitization in the eyes of women for men. This has caused women to dislike men they view as emotional.

Most women like emotionally unavailable men. We as humans tend to want what we feel that we can’t have. We want what’s just ‘out-of-reach’ for us. Most of the time, you will find that women even themselves don’t know why they are attracted to men like these.

People tend to place a higher value on things that are rare or in short supply. When something is difficult to obtain or seems unobtainable, the desire for it increases.

The challenge of pursuing something that is difficult to obtain is usually part of the appeal. The thrill of the chase and the excitement of possibly getting the one that is unavailable, can make the desired outcome even more desirable.  

People are attracted to things that are off-limits or prohibited, it is part of our curiosity as humans. The idea of obtaining something that is restricted or prohibited, can be intriguing. And therefore, increase the intrigue of it, which increases the desire for it.

The pursue of something that is difficult to obtain, can be a way of boosting someone’s self-esteem. The sense of accomplishment of finally obtaining something that you desire, causes your self-confidence to sky-rocket. It can such an ego boost.

A woman will constantly test you. She will test you for many different reasons. She will assess compatibility – women will test to determine if you are a good match for a potential partner. She will evaluate trustworthiness – women will test men to see if they can trust them. She will measure confidence – women will test men to see if they are confident and self-assured. She will gauge interest – women will test men to see if they are truly interested in them. She will determine boundaries – women will test men to see what they are able to get away with and what men are not willing to tolerate in a relationship.

The main thing all women want is security. No matter the type of woman that you are dealing with, women innately want to feel secure with a man in every single facet of life; monetarily, emotionally, physically etc. Yes, the world has changed and women are more independent, free-willed and self-sufficient now more than ever, but a woman’s instinctive desire to feel protected by a man hasn’t gone anywhere. It’s a hardwired instinct that even the most independent woman will bow to. Every single attribute a woman desires in a man whether it be; masculinity, honesty, confidence, emotional intelligence, stability etc., will always result in one desire that she wants fulfilled, and that’s the need for security.

Making a woman feel secure is the key to her heart. This is why a woman will stay and even remain faithful with a man she doesn’t love or doesn’t even really like because he has been so successful at making that woman feel secure in whatever regard that might be, that when she weighs the pros and cons of the man, the benefit of security that he provides to her – will win every single time.

A woman’s physical desirability is everything to her. Girls grow up and are thrown into a world that values them for their beauty and sexuality. They’re unconsciously taught that being beautiful is their first and foremost important obligation. This causes an inflated sense of self and places an extreme importance on the need of being wanted and desired. And then women start leading with their sexual alter ego. This also creates a vulnerable weak spot for women when they feel their physical appearance is lacking.

Attention is the main driving factor for most women. When a woman receives a substantial amount of attention, she feels it equates to self-worth and self-validation if she doesn’t have a strong sense of security within herself. A woman’s ego is much more fragile a man’s. A woman puts the most effort into how she looks, everything else comes second. Women will fish for attention in both covert and overt ways.

This is why you have some women who will just blatantly expose themselves, the you will have others that will post, ‘oh I’m just working out’ pic. Meanwhile she is showing her whole body in the clips on social media. Bottomline, attention is a woman’s biggest currency.

She usually won’t be able to match her sex drive. A woman has an innate resistance to want to have sex very frequently as compared to a man. Because natural selection has conditioned her mind to equate sex with pregnancy. You will hard-pressed to find a woman who can actually match her sex drive. 

1 comment:

  1. I could literally picture you explaining this with your tuma glasses. It is what it is. Gotta hate to love women lol.



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